Hold on a sec...was there any cleaning supplies you needed for your instrument?
We've spent hours and hours researching the best cleaners and accessories to save you the time and the hassle! Check out our recommended supplies...
Typically, light rosin is used for violins but depending on your preference and where you are, amber or dark rosins may be the better choice. Find out which rosin is best for you and where to buy.
As you play your violin, you'll get rosin on your bow and the rest of your violin. Thankfully, cleaning rosin off a violin bow and body is fairly easy.
While sounding simple, there are some important steps to cleaning violin bow hair. This article will break down each DIY step and provide some useful tips too.
How Can I Safely Clean My Violin and Restore the Wood Finish?
The wood of a violin is prone to dirt and oils and must be regularly cleaned. With the right polish, microfiber cloths, and technique, you can easily take care of this yourself.
With a quick wipe down after each playing session along with some easy maintenance, you can keep your viola in top playing condition and looking good for years to come.
You should know how to clean your viola. Keeping your viola clean will help it last for years to come, and it can make it more pleasurable to play.